“Listening with the Universal Unconsciousness Absence · Presence · Sound · Ecology” addresses an investigation into the vibrational world exploring the sensory experiences of elements vibrating in material and the aether. The project adapts an approach of expanded listening that “refers to the varied ways in which bodies of all kinds – human and more-than-human – respond to sound” (Gallagher, Kanngieser, & Prior, 2016). In the context of this seminar we will extend this approach of expanded listening beyond the already audible to include inaudible vibrational phenomena. Listen to electromagnetic waves caused by modern devices, natural forces, patterns of visible-ultraviolet-infrared light, vibrations of ferric objects, friction and noises caused by insects, underwater sounds, tectonics or lighting phenomena These are just a few of the hidden sounds that we will listen to during the five days workshop. Through the use of handmade laboratory tools, low noise amplifiers and do it yourself microphones we will make these usually inaudible phenomena perceivable to the human ear. No electronic or sound skills are needed to perform these experiments. The specific electronics will be provided for the course. You will learn to solder and you will build your own dedicated devices, sensors and microphones that you will keep after the course.
Die Anmeldungen zu den Kursen sind verbindlich. Sollte trotz Anmeldung eine Teilnahme nicht möglich sein, teilt dies bitte spätestens eine Woche vor Beginn des Seminars mit. Das ist wichtig, damit der Platz durch uns neu vergeben werden kann. Wer ohne Nachricht nicht zum Seminar erscheint, kann sich leider für die darauffolgenden zwei Semester nicht für Kurse bei uns einschreiben.